The day began like any other with medical releases and other paperwork being reviewed, Discover Scuba Briefings and gear being fitted. In the water we practiced skills like regulator recovery and mask clearing. Once we finished going over skills and began the free swim, the value of SCUBA diving became immediately evident. Individuals suffering from PTSD experience symptoms including feeling numb or losing interest in things they used to care about, thinking that they are always in danger feeling anxious, jittery, or irritated and experiencing a sense of panic that something bad is about to happen. When we were underwater, and I had the opportunity to see these warriors enjoy the freedom and peace of mind that SCUBA diving offers, it was immediately clear that they were able to let down their guard. One was swimming around neutrally buoyant through a hula hoop chasing a toypedo. Another was casually lying on his back on the bottom of the pool enjoying the hypnotic rhythm of the sound of his bubbles and watching them on their journey upward to the surface where they would break and join the air above. This is what Scuba is all about. Complete serenity. The hustle and bustle of the dry world, all the worries and problems thrown at us by life are gone for those brief, cherished moments underwater.
If you would like to know more about Patriot Scuba’s Wounded Warrior Training program, contact Patriot Scuba at or Wounded Warrior Project visit
Eliseo E Rodriguez “Rod” is a PADI IDC Staff Instructor, HSA, DAN and EFR Instructor with Patriot Scuba as well as an Active Duty US Marine Gunnery Sergeant.
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