Two dives come immediately to mind when I am asked that question and they are telling to me what Diving is all about. The first dive that comes immediately to mind was at the Living Seas Aquarium at Epcot Center where I dove with my two sons’ together for the first time. While it is really a cool dive if you get the chance, the ability to share that inspiring experience with my boys together…to play around get photos together…to dive with sharks the first time together…wow, what a rush!
The second sets of dives that come to mind were my wife’s certification dives at St. Thomas. Again, the sharing experience drove the excitement and made it memorable. The reef was good, not great…the sand and water was absolutely beautiful, but the time together…the experience of watching her “First” Ocean experience…sharing the elation when she completed the certification and those words – “I still have air left, can I go again?” made it one of my best dives ever.
I don’t know if those dives were the most memorable to my wife and my boys, but the most perfect father’s day gift I could imagine would be to share those moments underwater again.
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