Sunday, September 19, 2010

Diving Utila HDV

A taste of things to come: PATRIOT is going to Utila April 2011 for a Whale Shark Research Adventure! This video gives you a good idea of the beauty of the area.

Bonaire with a Wild Crew!

Bonaire - A Diver's Paradise
Less than 18 months into our Start-Up, PATRIOT SCUBA, things are looking real good.  We have had a blast getting to where we are and we met some great customers...and hopefully, followers.  With our military background, customers quickly become "family."

So...with that in mind, we have a big "Family" event in October.  Miko is leading a trip to Bonaire and we have a Wild Crew of folks coming with us.  I'm on tap to go on the trip as well and I'm very excited.  i've done a fair amount of Caribbean diving, but never to Bonaire...a Diver's Paradise.  I'll do my best to give you the blow by blow while I'm down there.

Stay tuned for Miko and Jeff's grand adventure!
